Summertime & the Reading is Easy: 27 Books for Your Summer Reading List

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Ready for summer reading? Check out our summer reading list with 27 book recommendations perfect for your beach bag!

Summer reading lists, anyone? Believe it or not, the summer reading list isn’t a new phenomenon, though they’ve come a long way since their humble beginnings in the late 19th century! First it was just teachers trying to keep kids’ brains from melting in the summer heat, then public libraries hopped on board with lists that turned kids everywhere into mini bookworms.

But let’s be honest, summer reading isn’t just for kids! Why should they have all the fun?

If you haven’t seen the other two posts in this series, you can discover a little about the origins of summer reading, then glean a few tips to make this your best bookish summer ever. But in this post, we’re going to curate your very own Mt. Must Read, a.k.a. your mountain of To Be Read titles!

A Mini History Lesson: Summer Reading Lists Past and Present

With the cultural evolution of summer reading in the 19th century and the popularity explosion of the beach read, publishers realized that adults also enjoyed curated lists of must-read books. The very first New York Times Book Review summer reading list was published on October 10, 1896, and major media outlets across the globe soon started publishing their own guides. Over time these lists have become more sophisticated, featuring a mix of genres and catering to different tastes.

Fast forward to today… With an abundance of online recommendations at our fingertips, there’s no shortage of summer reading guides to help us find our next great read or discover new titles we might otherwise miss. From Goodreads and Instagram influencers to celebrity book clubs, finding the perfect summer read has never been easier.

If you need a little summer reading inspiration, check out my 2024 Summer Reading Inspiration Guide. It’s on sale, plus you’ll get an automatic 20% off the discounted price!

Create Your Own Summer Reading List

Everyone’s reading tastes is unique, and the only “right” book is the one you want to read! Here are some tips to create a reading list perfect for you this season (or any time!).

  • Mix it up. Include different genres — romance, mystery, fantasy — to keep your reading fresh and yourself out of a reading slump.
  • Go classic. Revisit old favorites or tackle those timeless novels you’ve always meant to read.
  • Consider length. Choose shorter books if you’re looking for quick reads, or…👇
  • Go big. A little extra downtime in the summer makes it the perfect time to tackle one of those big books that’s been serving as a paperweight on your nightstand. A Little Life, anyone? 
  • Stay current. Check out bestseller lists or recommendations from trusted sources (like yours truly 😉). But not too current…👇
  • Visit the past. Choose titles that were released at least a year ago for shorter library waits.
  • Stay Local. Support local authors or explore books set in your area for added connection.

BYOB (Bring Your Own Book!) Lit Chats are a great to stay connected with other book lovers. Organize your own with friends, or join the virtual chats I host each month! Invitations are sent to members of my private Prose & Pastime Facebook Group. If you do want to ensure you hear about the chats (I’m pointing at you, Facebook algorithm!), get the invites emailed to you. Hope to see you there!

Suggested Books for Summer Reading

Alrighty then, that’s enough of the history and planning lessons — let’s get to the books! Wherever you’re doing your summer reading (by the pool or in front of the A/C!), this list contains brand new releases and easier-to-get-at-the-library backlist titles to make your summer sizzle. 🔥

Your Turn: What Are You Reading this Summer?

So there you have it— everything you need to know to fill this summer with bookish fun, from the origins of summer reading, to making the very most of your summer reading season, to choosing the perfect beach read! (Links) 

Now I want YOU to share your favorite summer reads! What books do you love bringing along on vacation? Any unforgettable beach reads that left an impression on you?

Drop your recommendations in the comments below — let’s create an epic list together! Happy summer reading!

All of the fun, none of the stress!

Check out my done-for-you book club kits in The Shop. Use code NEW25 for 25% off your purchase! There’s even one perfect for summer: the One Italian Summer Book Club Kit! You’ll host a fabulous meeting with all of the fun and none of the stress!

If you enjoyed our little journey through the history of summer reading and beach reads, why stop here? Join me here for loads of book recommendations, fun book club ideas, literary lifestyle tips, plus your access to The Book Lover’s Free Resource Library! ✨ 

If you need a little summer reading inspiration, check out my 2024 Summer Reading Inspiration Guide. It’ on sale, plus you’ll get an automatic 20% off the discounted price!

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A collage of 27 book covers on a background of blue pool water.

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